Tag Archives: Google Earth Friday

GEF: Diamond Light Source

For this weeks Google Earth Friday we have the awe inspiring Diamond Light Source, a very large synchrotron based up in Oxfordshire, UK.

Here comes a Wikipedia Quote right at your face!

Diamond Light Source is a synchrotron  research facility located in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. It produced its first user beam towards the end of January 2007. Diamond is being used to probe the structure and properties of many types of materials and complex structures like proteins — information that is used by a wide range of scientists.


Download the file(Only once! It will update every Friday)

Make sure you have Google Earth

GEF: Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

Welcome back to the all new Google Earth Friday!

This became somewhat of a forgotten feature on Southanuk but has returned for your viewing pleasure.


The rules are still the same, new place, every Friday. Just download the file below and save it to your “My Places” in Google Earth and check back here on a Friday. You don’t have to download the file every week, it will automatically update at the end of the week.


So without further a-do;

Yes its the Winter Olympics!

Team GB are doing their best out there and currently have… 1! very shiny gold medal……


The selected venue of choice is the main stadium of the Winter Games in Vancouver, BC Place. Here is the obligatory Wikipedia quote:

BC Place is a multipurpose stadium  and Canada’s first domed  arena. BC Place is the largest air-supported stadium in the world. It is located on the north side of False Creek in Vancouver, British Columbia.


Looks like they have had a few problems with the roof and that but it looks very nice indeed. Check it out in 3D in Google Earth as well as some of the other Olympic Venues.


Download the file(Only once! It will update every Friday)

Make sure you have Google Earth