Tag Archives: Photos

NASA’s photos – something very special

Been an avid follower of NASA and their antics since the unfortunate accident in 2003 with Space Shuttle Columbia. One thing that has never ceased to amaze is the photos that NASA returns. These are some of the most mind blowing and awe inspiring photos you will ever see. No digital trickery or CG, just good old mother earth.


A peaceful shot of night time Egypt.

The above photo is just but a microcosm of what the NASA Spaceflight Gallery holds. So if you get the chance take a look at the latest Expedition 26 photos held in the gallery or check out some of the great shots from Expedition 25.

For a very interesting photoblog of this very subject check out Triggerpit’s post here.

Looking forward to STS-133’s launch next week [24th Feb] Lets hope all goes well, will post some more on the day.