Webhosts…. My tale

Well sorry I haven’t been as regular in posting stuff but I have had a week of anger.

Let me take you back 2 years.

It was the summer of 2004 I was a man with a plan; to open the first paid southanuk.co.uk. I originally had hosting with my ISP but they didn’t have what I needed so I bought southanuk.co.uk and some hosting. It went live just before the summer term and I was happy that I was able to finally have some breathing space to develop what I wanted and how I wanted. The hosting deal was really good, 300mb and 15 GB of traffic (plus 6 mysql), all for the princely sum of  £34.


A year passed all was good until the hosting company decided to change hands to a new company. Now this was at the time that I was due to re-apply for another years hosting, however being younger than I was, I didn’t see the writing on the wall. Soon after I had paid again for another year I realised that everything was going tits up. The servers were going down days at a time and mostly every day. I, again, thought nothing of this and stuck with it.

Now on to 2006…

Then I started to get royally pissed of with this “company.”  This was around the time of renewing for another year (3rd time); I thought that enough was enough. However, this was also around the time of my exams, and being the least of my priorities, went to the bottom of my list. I wrote somewhere to remind myself that I should update my hosting and switch, but this was also clashing with a summer school course that I had applied for at Wye College. So, after coming back from wye I realized that I had not canceled the contract, so I set upon canceling the contract with them.

I asked them to cancel the first time and eventually (after 5 hours) wrote back saying:

There will be a
cancelation fee of  £10.

To hell with that I thought. So to discuss the matter further I sent them another email saying to go ahead and cancel. 4 days passed and still no reply, eventually I got the account canceled but I mean who has to go through with this aggravation? You don’t.

  • If they look dodgy, then they probably are
  • If their support is rubbish, stay away
  • If the price is suspiciously low, don’t go.

So kids stay safe and be cool about fire safety