Category Archives: SouthanUK General

Where most posts live. Contains general news that I cant otherwise categorise.

Joe’s Computers, A Comparison of Heatsinks

Anybody? No? Dust?

Isn’t it amazing that something that you thought wouldn’t get dusty does….

Clicky for bigger
The above picture shows my old computer’s CPU heatsink fan. Very dusty 😛

On another note, heat sinks. I opened up my new pc a few weeks back to be shocked a the size of a giant lump of metal staring me in the face. That giant piece of metal was in fact, my dell heatsink. I know the bigger the heatsink the better it cools, but MY GOD is this huge. As you can see from the picture above, the heatsink on that one is tiny (below the fan). But this one:

Clicky for bigger

Its about the same size as a regular HDD :O . The tiny heasink below it is for the integrated GPU (I never use it though).

Ah well, can’t put in any other type of cooling, Dell motherboards simply won’t have it.

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I Hate Spam

Seems you cant get away from it, my Gmail account gets tonnes. I end up clearing it every week.

Now blogspam. Blogspam is my next quibble.

Why do they have to spam me about getting certain drugs at low prices? Luckily, I have installed an awesome plug-in on this website, Akismet. It stops all spam!

Spam does make up 95% of all email sent.

Cant live with it, can live without it.