Tag Archives: N97

Phone woes

Due to the terrible build quality of the N95, the time to replace my phone draws close.


The all evil, N97

Previously, I said I was getting the all new Nokia N97. However, after reading reviews and whatnot, it becomes apparent that its terrible. Underpowered for the operating system its running [Seriously, Nokia should drop Symbian, its old and buggy], causes the phone to slowdown and lock up at points. Gizmodo reviewed the phone and seems to share my sentiments in the terrible OS that is Symbian.

Still being rather loyal to Nokia after 10 years, I have come to expect quality phones from them. This was not the case with the Nokia N95 8GB that I bought less than 2 years ago.

Being a relatively light user of the mobile and treating it nicely, you would expect the phone to last at least a good 4 years or more. Currently my N95 has lost all its metallic surrounds on the buttons, chipped off metallic paint around the camera surround and has severe problems with the sliders. I can accept that the metallic paint would chip off over time, I found this with my Nokia 6680, but slider problems? From day 1? I know you’re thinking “Why didn’t you send it back?” but at the time I didn’t really notice the dodgy slider. However, after spending many hours trawling though various Nokia forums both unofficial and official, I noticed that this was a common thing with all the N95 8GBs.

Various other things bug the hell out of me; including the fact that it can take a good 10 seconds to open the text message application on the phone, frequent lockups/crashes with the YouTube app, crappy web browser and others.


Nokia N900 showing all

The next phone I hope to get will be the ever lovely Nokia N900.

“Nokia again?” I hear you ask. Well its Nokia again for a few reasons.

  1. I still trust that I will be getting a good phone
  2. Maemo 5 is the operating system of choice. A Debian based system, so essentially this is a pocket computer/phone.
  3. Touch screen, gotta love ’em.
  4. Windows Mobile just doesn’t cut it for me at the moment, although 7 series looks good.

So there are my reasons, I know a few of you [Mark 😛 ] love your WinMo/Android phones but I’m a Nokia man at heart [although I was nearly seduced by Samsung with their Omnia HD]

I’ve now got to find  Â£449 to buy it :/

My next phone (I hope)

Assuming that I can afford the bloody thing, my next phone will hopefully be the very lovely Nokia N97.


It has a tonne of new features so numerous that I cant be bothered to type them so I’ll just copy from the Wiki:

Screen:              640×360 px (16:9 aspect ratio), 3.5 in, sliding tilt TFT LCD display, up to 16.7 m colours

Camera:            5.0 megapixels f/2.8 Carl Zeiss Tessar lens

Memory:            32GB on-board

Memory card:    microSDHC 16GB max (32GB Max MicroSDHC available in 2009)

Quite nice specs, No?

According to Google Product search:

Its over 9000

So that would take at least 4 years to save for it at the moment, with no extra shifts or bonuses…


I ASSUME the price will come down to a more reasonable amount.


Anywho, Joe out.