Tag Archives: Playstation

GEF #18: E3

Sorry this is a bit late, I was rather tired last night and angry at the terrible game England played in the world cup, but i digress.


This week was E3, a large gathering of game developers and companies trying to flog their latest 3D gaming whathaveyous, held in the Los Angeles Convention Centre strangely enough in Los Angeles, California.



Looking forward to Little Big Planet 2 mostly, Nintendo’s 3DS seems gimmicky like the Wii but going on how well the original DS sold, it could be equally as popular or just wait a year for Nintendo’s next revision of their handheld. As for Playstation Move, why not? Seems like good fun, widely supported and glows! Microsoft, go back to what you do best, making engaging hardcore game platforms, not some movement based controller that dilutes the reputation that you’ve built up and makes the experience more casual. Xbox was made for hardcore gamers and yes, I do dislike Xbox, as I am a Playstation man myself, but Microsoft have lost the plot.


End Rant, Wikipedia quote go!

The Electronic Entertainment Expo, commonly known as E3, is an annual trade show for the computer and video games industry presented by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). It is used by many video game developers to show off their upcoming games and game-related hardware.


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I has posting rights!

Well…about time. lol. Thank you Joe 😀

Now, I’m writing I’ve got no idea of WHAT to write.
Since I’ve become re-obsessed with Spyro the Dragon, I think I shall write about that.

by Lauren Saunders

Firstly, it’s an absolutely brilliant game.  Ã‚ I got the original one for Christmas 1997, when I first got my PS1, and I haven’t ever had a bad word to say against it. Ã‚ And I admit it…I like it so much I robbed one of the sequels Ã‚ (Spyro: Year of the Dragon) from a 7year old friend of the family… I have no morals, I know.

Recently(ish) I was in Woolworths, however and I decided to go and buy (*GASP!!*) the latest Spyro game for my Wii… The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (the image attatched to this post is an A1 ink painting a did in October, which I copied off the box of the game) It sounded so epic I had to buy it…it was  Â£40… which I didn’t really have. Thus, re-awakening my love affair with this heroic little purple dragon.

So I played it…got stuck on this blasted bit where the Dog-Pirates trap you in an arena and you have to outsmart this flying, fire-wielding boat, and so I put it away again whilst I ‘revised’ for A Levels. And then I moved out to South London, bringing my Wii and games, etc. Out came Spyro. Ã‚ Chij and Peter got a bit into Spyro over their Reading Week by watching me try to play it, and indeed, they DID help me get past the Dog-Pirates with their hover boat. So for this, I gave them both thanks. Peter also printed out the WalkThru for me, as well. So thanks for that too.

So after Halloween when I went back with Chij to Wales for my Reading Week, the Wii came with. I SHOULD’VE been writing my Art Essay, but instead I went to complete the game. Chij helped of course. But whilst he was at uni I stayed caved up in his room in the dark guiding the little dragon through levels of Pirates, Ghosts and other mean creatures.

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